Collective Worship and Religious Education
There are two separate legal requirements for Worship and RE. The links between them are acknowledged, as too are their different emphases which complement and supplement each other. Worship can be a time for joy and praise or for reflection. RE is a statutory curriculum area through which such skills of questioning, inquiry, empathy, sensitivity, thought and response are developed. The teaching of RE follows the Agreed Syllabus for RE in Gloucestershire.
As a community school, all our children bring a variety of experiences. These provide the foundations upon which we can build. Children are encouraged to think of others and are actively involved in supporting charities throughout the year.
The children meet together regularly for an assembly. Though all children are expected to show respect for all faiths, no child is expected to participate in anything that they do not personally feel comfortable with. Parents have the legal right to withdraw their children from collective worship or RE lessons. An appointment should be made with the Headteacher to discuss withdrawing their child from RE or collective worship and make alternative arrangements.